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NEET - Biology Evolution Practice Q & A

18120.Diversification in plant life appeared:
Due to abrupt mutations
Suddenly on earth
By seed dispersal
Due to long periods of evolutionary changes
18121.Which one of the followings is also called Sewall Wright Effect?
Gene Pool
Gene flow
Genetic Drift
18122.A baby has been born with a small tail. It is the case exhibiting
retrogressive evolution
18123.According to Darwin, evolution is _______.
A slow, gradual and continuous process.
A sudden but discontinuous process.
A slow and discontinuous process.
A slow, sudden and discontinuous process.
18124.In nature, the process by which different organisms evolve similar traits is called ______.
Genetic drift
Artificial selection
Divergent evolution
Convergent evolution
18125.Phylogenetic system of classification is based on
Floral characters
Evolutionary relationships
Morphological features
Chemical constituents
18126.An important evidence in favor of organic evolution is the occurrence of
Homologous organs only
Analogous and vestigial organs
Homologous and vestigial organs
Homologous and analogous organs
18127.The tendency of population to remain in genetic equilibrium may be disturbed by
Random mating
Lack of migration
Lack of mutations
Lack of random mating
18128.Which one of the following sequences was proposed by Darwin and Wallace for organic evolution?
Overproduction, variations, constancy of population size, natural selection
Variations, constancy of population size, overproduction, natural selection
Overproduction, constancy of population size, variations, natural selection
Variations, natural selection, overproduction, constancy of populationsize
18129.Small and spherical vessels, bounded by a membrane like layer of amino acids are
18130.Selective breeding of organisms (Animal husbandry and plant breeding programs) for specific desirable characteristics are examples of
Artificial selection
Reverse evolution
Natural selection
18131.Which one of the following is incorrect about the characteristics of protobionts (coacervates and microspheres) as envisaged in the abiogenic origin of life?
They could maintain an internal environment
They were able to reproduce
They could separate combinations of molecules from the surroundings
They were partially isolated from the surroundings
18132.Analogous structures are
Anatomically similar and functioning similarly
Anatomically similar but performing different functions
Anatomically different but performing similar functions
Anatomically different and functioning differently
18133.Variation in gene frequencies within populations can occur by chance rather than by natural selection. This is referred to as
Genetic flow
Genetic drift
Random mating
Genetic load
18134.Darwin's Finches are an excellent example of
Connecting links
Adaptive radiation
Seasonal migration
Brood parasitism
18135.Which of the following sentences is correct about microspheres?
Dont have all properties of life
Composed of many protein molecules
Bud to form smaller microspheres
All of these are correct
18136.Age of fossils in the past was generally determined by radio-carbon method and other methods involving radioactive elements found in the rocks. More precise methods, which were used recently and led to the revision of the evolutionary period for different groups of organisms, includes
study of carbohydrates/proteins in fossils
study of the conditions of fossilization
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and fossil DNA
study of carbohydrates/proteins in rocks
18137.In the case of peppered moth (Biston betularia) the black-coloured form became dominant over the light-coloured form in England during industrial revolution. This is an example of
Inheritance of darker colour character acquired due to the darker environment
Natural selection whereby the darker forms were selected
Appearance of the darker coloured individuals due to very poor sunlight
Protective mimicry
18138.Organic compounds first evolved in earth required for origin of life were
Proteins and Amino acids
Proteins and Nucleic acids
Urea and Amino acids
Urea and Nucleic acids
18139.Which one of the followings is incorrect about genetic drift?
Random change in allele frequency in a population
Significant only in large populations
A mechanism for the evolution of new species
Founder effect is a special case
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