Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

Who is the Father of Consumer Movement?

Mahatma Gandhi -
Indira Gandhi
John F. Kennedy
Ralph Radar
Additional Questions

Who frames the monetary policy of India?


Consider the following statements. Choose the correct answer.
"Comets have no tail".
I. when they are far away from the sun.
II. when they are close to the sun.
III. when they are close to the earth.
IV. when they are in between the earth and the sun.


Identify the Seaports and name them


I. Moon is called a Meteoroids.
II. Moon is called a Satellite.
III. Moon is called a Asteroids.
IV. Moon is called a Comet.


Choose incorrectly matched.


Choose the correct answer:
In which District Grizzled Squirrel Wild Life Sanctuary is found?


The mixture present in the pencil lead is


Which of the following statement(s) about acid is TRUE?
I. It turns blue litmus paper to red.
ll. It has pH value greater than 7.
III. It reacts with bases to give salt and water.


Which country became a member of the U.N.O. in the year 2011?


The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of India was held in

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