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Two persons , Ram & Lakshman , who are at a distance of 100 km from each other, move towards each other from two places P and Q at speeds of 20 kmph and 25 kmph respectively. Lakshman reaches P, returns immediately and meets Ram at R, who started on the return journey to P immediately after reaching Q. What is the distance between Q and R?

92 kmph
72 kmph
33 1/3 km
25 km
Ram takes 100/20 = 5 hours to cover the distance from P to Q. By that time Lakshman covers
covers 5 *25 = 125 km
Lakshman covers 25 km more than the distance PQ . Now the distance between them = 75 km
Time taken by them to meet = Distance/ Relative speed = 75/(20+25) = 75/45 = 5/3 hrs.
Distance between Q and R is nothing but the distance covered by Ram in 5/3 hours = 20 *5/3 = 100/3 km or 33 1/3 km
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