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One year ago, the ratio of Gauravs and Sachins age was 6: 7 respectively. Four years
hence, this ratio would become 7: 8. How old is Sa chin ?

26 Years
36 Years
40 Years
50 Years

Let Gauravs and Sachins ages one year ago be 6x and 7x years respectively.
Then, Gauravs age 4 years hence = (6x + 1) + 4 = (6x + 5) years.
Sachins age 4 years hence = (7x + 1) + 4 = (7x + 5) years.
(6x+5): (7x + 5) = 7:8
8(6x+5) = 7 (7x + 5)
48x + 40 = 49x + 35
x = 5.
Hence, Sachins present age = (7x + 1) = 36 years.
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