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The average age of 36 students in a group is 14 years. When teachers age is included to it, the average increases by one. Find out the teachers age in years?

51 years
49 years
53 years
50 years

average age of 36 students in a group is 14

Sum of the ages of 36 students = $ 36 \times 14 $

When teachers age is included to it, the average increases by one

=> average = 15

Sum of the ages of 36 students and the teacher = $ 37 \times 15$

Hence teachers age

$= 37 \times 15 - 36 \times 14$

$= 37 \times 15 - 14(37 - 1)$

$= 37 \times 15 - 37 \times 14 + 14$

= 37(15 - 14) + 14

=37 + 14

= 51

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