Easy Tutorial
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A train travelling at 48 kmph completely crosses another train having half its length and travelling in opposite direction at 42 kmph in 12 seconds. It also passes a railway platform in 45 seconds. The length of the platform is

400 m
450 m
560 m
600 m

Let the length of the first train be $ x $ metres.

Then, the length of the second train is$ \left(\dfrac{x}{2} \right) $metres.
Relative speed = (48 + 42) kmph =$ \left(90 \times\dfrac{5}{18} \right) $m/sec = 25 m/sec.
$\therefore \dfrac{[x + (x/2)]}{25} $= 12 or$ \dfrac{3x}{2} $= 300 or $ x $ = 200.

$\therefore$ Length of first train = 200 m.

Let the length of platform be $ y $ metres.

Speed of the first train =$ \left(48 \times\dfrac{5}{18} \right) $m/sec =$ \dfrac{40}{3} $m/sec.
$\therefore (200 + y ) \times \dfrac{3}{40} $= 45

$\Rightarrow 600 + 3 y $ = 1800

$\Rightarrow y $ = 400 m.

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