Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

Hybridomas are the fusion product of

abnormal antibody producing cell with myeloma
normal antibody producing cell with myeloma
sex cells with myeloma
bone cells with myeloma
Additional Questions

Goitre can occur as a consequence of all the following except :


An insect bite may result in inflammation of that spot. This is triggered by the alarm chemicals such as


Column I lists some disorders associated with brain. Column II lists the causes for these disorders. Match the two columns and identify the correct option from those given below.

Column IColumn II
AEpilepsypDegeneration of neurons in the cerebral cortex
BAlzheimer's diseaseqIrregular electrical discharge in the neurons
CParkinson's diseaserDecreased production of acetylcholine
DHuntington's choreasDegeneration of dopamine releasing neurons
tFormation of blood clots in the brain


Beri-Beri is caused by the deficiency of ______.


Electron beam therapy is a kind of radiation therapy to treat :


The antibody dependent cytotoxicity is seen in


Assertion: Dope test is used to estimate the level of blood alcohol by analyzing the breath of persons drinking alcohol.

Reason: A drunken person usually feels tense and less talkative.


Study the following :

1. The cells of malignant tumors divide erratically.

2. They are malignant tumors of epithelial cells.

3. They are malignant tumors of organs that originate from mesoderm.

4. These tumors are found in organs such as spleen and lymph nodes.

Which of the above are true for angiosarcoma?


The term "antibiotic" was coined by:


Which one is not helminth

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