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The true discount on a certain sum due 6 months hence at 15% is Rs. 240. What is the bankers discount on the same sum for the same time at the same rate?

None of these
Rs. 278
Rs. 228
Rs. 258

TD = Rs. 240
T = 6 months = $\dfrac{1}{2}$ year

R = 15%

TD$ =\dfrac{BG\times 100}{TR}$

=>240 =$ \dfrac{BG \times 100}{\dfrac{1}{2} \times 15} $

$=>BG= \dfrac{240 \times 15}{100 \times 2}$

$= \dfrac{120 \times 15}{100} = Rs. 18$

BG = BD - TD

=> 18 = BD - 240

=> BD = 18 + 240 = Rs. 258

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