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When a number is divided by 13, the remainder is 11. When the same number is divided by 17, then remainder is 9. What is the number ?

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$ x $ = 13$ p $ + 11 and $ x $ = 17$ q $ + 9

$\therefore$ 13$ p $ + 11 = 17$ q $ + 9

$\Rightarrow$ 17$ q $ - 13$ p $ = 2

$\Rightarrow$ q=$ \dfrac{2 + 13p}{17} $

The least value of $ p $ for which q =$\dfrac{2 + 13 p }{17}$ is a whole number is $ p $ = 26

$\therefore x $ = $ \left(13 \times 26 + 11\right)$

   = 338 + 11

   = 349

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