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The sum of the two numbers is 12 and their product is 35. What is the sum of the reciprocals of these numbers ?

$ \dfrac{12}{35} $
$ \dfrac{1}{35} $
$ \dfrac{35}{8} $
$ \dfrac{7}{32} $

Let the numbers be $ a $ and $ b $. Then, $ a $ + $ b $ = 12 and ab = 35.

$\therefore \dfrac{a + b}{ab} $=$ \dfrac{12}{35} $      $\Rightarrow$  $ \left(\dfrac{1}{b} +\dfrac{1}{a} \right) $=$ \dfrac{12}{35} $

$\therefore$ Sum of reciprocals of given numbers =$ \dfrac{12}{35} $

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