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Arun got 30% of the maximum marks in an examination and failed by 10 marks. However, Sujith who took the same examination got 40% of the total marks and got 15 marks more than the passing marks. What were the passing marks in the examination?


Let maximum marks of the examination $=x$

Marks that Arun got $=30%$ of $x$ $=\dfrac{30x}{100}$

Given that Arun failed by 10 marks.

=> pass mark = $\dfrac{30x}{100}+10~~\cdots(1)$

Marks that Sujith got $=40%$ of $x$ $=\dfrac{40x}{100}$

Given that Sujith got 15 marks more than the passing marks.

=> pass mark $=\dfrac{40x}{100}-15~~\cdots(2)$

From $(1)$ and $(2)$,


pass mark





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