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One-third of Rahuls savings in National Savings Certificate is equal to one-half of his savings in Public Provident Fund. If he has Rs. 1,50,000 as total savings, how much has he saved in Public Provident Fund ?

Rs. 30,000
Rs. 50,000
Rs. 60,000
Rs. 90,000

Let savings in N.S.C and P.P.F. be Rs. $ x $ and Rs. $\left(150000 - x \right)$ respectively. Then,

$ \dfrac{1}{3} $x =$ \dfrac{1}{2} \left(150000 - x \right)$

$\Rightarrow \dfrac{x}{3} $+$ \dfrac{x}{2} $= 75000

$\Rightarrow \dfrac{5x}{6} $= 75000

$\Rightarrow x $ =$ \dfrac{75000 \times 6}{5} $= 90000

$\therefore$ Savings in Public Provident Fund = Rs. $\left(150000 - 90000\right)$ = Rs. 60000

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