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a.However, different rulers and governments dealt with the different groups in a compartmentalised manner.
b.Various situtatutional and political changes have taken place over the past three and half centuries.
c.This tendency resulted in deeply embedded fragmented South African society which became even more prominent in the period 1948 until the new commencement of the new Constitution on May 10 1994.
d.South Africa is a racially divided society since the first European settlers arrived in 1652.

Additional Questions

a.Now under liberated economy they are learning to complete domestically and globally.
b.In India corporations until recently achieved success by avoiding competition, using protected and regulated domestic markets.
c.The trend is irreversible.
d.Business leaders are preparing themselves to meet competitive challenges and to avoid being swept away.


a.Learn a kind of tenderness towards the vanity of others.
b.And indeed towards all their prejudices.
c.Who make a cult of sincerity.
d.Men accustomed to difficult negotiations.
e.Which is infinitely shocking to these.


a.Much of the argument that goes on around the alternative solution across because people hold different perceptions of the problem.
b.One of the reasons that Japanese Managers are perceived as making superior decisions compared to Western Managers is that they spend a great deal of effort and time determining that the problem is correctly defined.
c.Unfortunately, too often in the West, Managers assume that the initial definition of the situation is correct.
d.Up to half the time in meetings is spent in asking. "Is this the real problem?"


a.He was so busy with them that he did not get time to eat.
b.Thousands of people came to him and asked different types of questions.
c.No one cared to see that he had this food or rest that night.
d.Swami Vivekananda once stayed in a small village.


a.Such a system will help identify and groom executives for positions of strategists.
b.Evaluation of performance is more often than not done for the purpose of reward or punishment for the past performance.
c.They must become an integral part of the executive evaluation system.
d.Even where the evaluation system is for ones promotion to assume higher responsibilities, it rarely includes items that are a key for playing the role of strategists effectively.


a.The facts speak for themselves so they need exposition only, not demonstration.
b.At the present moment, it is widely recognised that Indian holds the balance in worldwide competition between rival ideologies.
c.It is not of course, only in geographical sense that India is in a key position.
d.Indias key position simply needs pointing out.


Which sentence should come third in the paragraph?


Which sentence should come last in the paragraph?


Which sentence should come fourth in the paragraph?


Which sentence should come second in the paragraph?

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