Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : According to the
passage, why India does not have enough skilled labour?

The total amount of young population is low
The total number of colleges are insufficient
Students do not want to study
Maximum universities and colleges do not match global standards.
Additional Questions

Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What can you
infer as the meaning of stifling from the passage?


Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is an
appropriate title to the passage?


Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : In the third
sentence of the third paragraph of the passage, the phrase "closer to community
colleges " is used. What does it imply?


Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : According to the
passage, what is the paradox of the Indian economy today?


Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : Why are salaries
for skilled workers rising?


Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the
experimental approach being discussed in the first paragraph?


Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the tone
of the passage?


Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What can we infer
from Walter Carls statement?
could be used.


Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : What is the effect
of internet on Word-of-mouth marketing?


Select the correct answer option based on the passage. : According to the
passage, in what order did different companies use word of mouth marketing?

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