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Which one of the following groups of items is included in India's foreign-exchange reserves?

Foreign-currency assets, Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and loans from foreign countries
Foreign-currency assets, gold holdings of the RBI and SDRs
Foreign-currency assets, loans from the World Bank and SDRs
Foreign-currency assets, gold holdings of the RBI and loans from the World Bank
Additional Questions

Which one of the following is likely to be the most inflationary in its effect?


Supply of money remaining the same when there is an increase in demand for money, there will be:


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Which of the following grants/ grant direct credit assistance to rural households?
1.Regional Rural Banks
2.National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
3.Land Development Banks
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


The terms 'Marginal Standing Facility Rate' and 'Net Demand and Time Liabilities', sometimes appearing in news, are used in relation to


What is/are the facility/facilities the beneficiaries can get from the services of Business Correspondent (Bank Saathi) in branchless areas?
1.It enables the beneficiaries to draw their subsidies and social security benefits in their villages.
2.It enables the beneficiaries in the rural areas to make deposits and withdrawals.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.


If the interest rate is decreased in an economy, it will


In the context of Indian economy which of the following is/are the purpose/purposes of 'Statutory Reserve Requirements'?
1.To enable the Central Bank to control the amount of advances the banks can create
2.To make the people's deposits with banks safe and liquid
3.To prevent the commercial banks from making excessive profits
4.To force the banks to have sufficient vault cash to meet their day-to-day requirements
Select the correct answer using the code given below.


If the interest rate is decreased in an economy, it will

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