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If n ≠ 0, which of the following must be greater than n?
II. n²
III.2 - n

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Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can produce a total of 33 widgets per hour. At this rate, how many widgets could 14 such machines produce in 3 hours?


ABCD is a square of side 3, and E and F are the mid points of sides AB and BC respectively. What is the area of the quadrilateral EBFD ?


There are 17 students in a certain class. On the day the test was given, Taqeesha was absent. The other 16 students took the test, and their average was 77. The next day, Taqeesha took the test, and with her grade included, the new average is 78. What is Taqeesha’s grade on the test?


( √2 - √3 )² =


A car drives 40 miles on local roads at 20 mph, and 180 miles on the highway at 60 mph, what is the average speed of the entire trip?


litres of water are poured into an aquarium of dimensions 50cm length, 30cm breadth, and 40cm height. How high (in cm) will the water rise?
(1 litre = 1000cm³)


If an object travels at five feet per second, how many feet does it travel in one hour?


What is the average (arithmetic mean) of all the multiples of ten from 10 to 190 inclusive?


A cubical block of metal weighs 6 pounds. How much will another cube of the same metal weigh if its sides are twice as long?


In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking German. Of the students taking French or German, 9 are taking both courses. How many students are not enrolled in either course?

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