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One year ago the ratio between Laxmans and Gopals salary was 3:4. The ratios of their individual salaries between last years and this years salaries are 4:5 and 2:3 respectively. At present the total of their salary is Rs.4290. The salary of Laxman now is :

Let the salaries of Laxman and Gopal one yer before be 3x and 4x.
Given that laxman's last year and present year salary are in the ratio 4:5
So his present salary =$\dfrac{5}{4} \times 3x $= $\dfrac{15x}{4}$
Also Gopal's last year and present year salary are in the ratio 2:3
So his present salary $\dfrac{3}{2} \times 4x $= 6x
But given that sum of the salaries = $\dfrac{15x}{4} +6x =4290$
=>$\dfrac{39x}{4} $ =4290
=>39x= $ 4290 \times 4 $ =440
Laxman's present salary = $\dfrac{15x}{4} $ =$ \dfrac{15}{4} \times 440 $=1650
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