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Read the following statements and answer the four items that follow.
Gopal, Hrash, Inder, Jai and Krishnan have Ahmadabad, Bhopal, Cuttack, Delhi, and Ernakulum as their hometowns (not necessarily in that order). They are studying in Engineering, Medical, commerce, Economics and History College. (not necessarily in that order). None of five boys is studying in his hometown, but each of them studies in one of the cities given above.
Further, it is given that.
I. Gopal’s home town is Ernakulum
II. Harsh is not studying in Ahmadabad or Bhopal
III. Economics college is in the Bhopal
IV. Inder’s hometown is in cuttack
V. Krishnan is studying in Delhi
VI. Jai is studying in Ernakulum and the history college is in his Ahmadabad.
VII. Engineering college is situated in Ernakulum
Which is krishnan’s hometown?

Cannot be determined
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