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SSC CGL Tier1 English Language Phrases and Idioms Test 3

37951.He passed himself off as a noble man.
Was regarded as
Pretended to be
Was thought to be
Was looked upon
37952.Don t thrust your nose into my affairs.
Advise me about
Be in opposition
Deal with
Meddle officiously in
37953.This matter has been hanging fire for the last many months and must therefore be decided one way or the other.
going on slowly
hotly debated
stuck up
37954.The cricket match proved to be a big draw.
a keen contest
a huge attraction
a lovely spectacle
a game without any result
37955.He went back on his promise to vote for me.
37956.To smell a rat
To see signs of plague epidemic
To get bad small of a bad dead rat
To suspect foul dealings
To be in a bad mood
None of these
37957.He was undecided. He let the grass grow under his feet.
loitered around
stayed out
sat unmoving
moved away
37958.I did not mind what he was saying, he was only through his hat.
talking nonsense
talking ignorantly
talking irresponsibly
talking insultingly
37959.If you give John all your money, you are likely to burn your fingers.
be unhappy
be happy
be ill
37960.This regular absenteeism is a bad business since on work is being completed.
Bad for business
Non-business like
An unfortunate event
Creating ill-will
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