Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

My husband`s watch gains 2 minutes every watch and my watch loses 1 minute for each hour. One day, we were late to marriage because the difference between the time in the two watches was 1 hr. and we looked at the slow watch. When did we last set our watches to the same time?

10 hrs.
14 hrs.
20 hrs.
18 hrs.

Suppose they had set their watches X hours ago.

Husband`s watch gains 2X/60 hour every hour while wife`s watch loses X/60 every hour.

Now as one watch gains and other loses the difference will be added

Hence (2X/60) + (X/69) = 1 (hour)

Thus, X = 20 hours.

Additional Questions

The product of two numbers is 9375 and the quotient, when the larger one is divided by the smaller, is 15. The sum of the numbers is:


HCL Logical Reasoning Test


Statements: All scientists are fools.

All fools are illiterate.


(I) All scientists are illiterate

(II) All illiterate are scientists.

(III) All illiterates are fools.

(IV) Some illiterates would be scientist.



sheet: pad :: flower : ___?___


Blood Relation:

Pointing to a woman, Abhijit said, “Her granddaughter is the only daughter of my brother.” How is the woman related to Abhijit?



If ‘white’ is called ‘blue’, ‘blue’ is called ‘red’, ‘red’ is called ‘yellow’, ‘yellow’ is called ‘green’, ‘green’ is called ‘black’, ‘black’ is called ‘violet’ and ‘violet’ is called ‘orange’, then what would be the color of human blood?


Direction Test:

From his house, Lokesh went 15 kms to the North. Then he turned West and covered 10 kms. Then, he turned South and covered 5 kms. Finally, turning to East, he covered 10 kms. In which direction is he from his house?




The new scheme gives people the opportunity to voluntarily declare their disclosed property and legitimize it by paying the lowest ever rate of tax.


(I) The new scheme is much better than the earlier scheme.

(II) People may desire to pay less tax and own things legimately.


Series Completion:

13, 35, 57, 79, 911, ?


Course of Action:

Statement: Although advancement medical science has raised life expectancy, the rate of child mortality remains high in India.

Courses of Action:

(I) Efforts should be made to lower life expectancy.

(II) Medical scientists should be asked to give up their jobs.

(III) Efforts should be made to decrease the rate of child mortality.


Odd man out:

Find the odd man out: 362, 482, 551, 263, 344, 284

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