Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

Error Correction:

We demonstrated to them how we were prepared the artistic patterns.

are prepared
have prepared
are preparing
had prepared
Additional Questions

One Word Substitution:

One who abandons his religious faith:


Jumbled Sentence:

S1: Ants eat worms, centipedes and spiders.

P: They are usually much quicker than the ant itself.

Q: Nevertheless, these animals do not make easy game for ants.

R: Besides, they have an extraordinary number of ways of escaping.

S: They also eat larvae and insect adults such as flies, moths and spring tails.

S6: Some jump, and some give out a pungent repellent substance. The Proper sequence should be:


One Word Substitution:

Government by the rich is called:


Error Correction:

I knew that they were heading into a serious disaster.


Which of the following involves context switch,


In OST, terminal emulation is done in


For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required,


Semaphore is used for


Which holds true for the following statement class c: public A, public B


Which of the following statement will be correct if the function has three arguments passed to it?

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