Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

The main function of lacteals in the villi of human small intestine is the absorption of______.

Water and mineral salts
Amino acids and glucose
Glucose and vitamins
Fatty acids and glycerol
Additional Questions

Sphincter of Oddi guards


Liver is the largest gland in the body and associated with various functions. Choose the incorrect one from the followings.


The backflow of faecal matter in the large intestine is prevented by the presence of


Epithelial cells of intestine involved in food absorption have on their surface


Peyer's patches found in the small intestine are


Match List I with List II and choose the correct option.

List I List II
(a)Salivary amylase(i)Proteins
(b)Bile salts(ii)Milk proteins
(e)Steapsin(v)Emulsification of fats


Match column I with column II and choose the correct option.

Column I Column II
(i)Goblet cells(a)Antibacterial agent
(iv)Oxyntic cells(d)Sublingual gland


Which factor is required for maturation of erythrocytes?


Read the statements A and B.

A) The human small intestine is the longest portion in the alimentary canal

B) Absorption of digested food requires a very large surface area

Identify the correct choice on the two statements.


Match the types of cells listed under column I with the secretions given under column II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of the alphabets of the two columns.

Column - I (Types of cells) Column — II (Secretions)
(A)Beta cells(p)Lysozyme
(B)Mast cells(q)Mucus
(C)Paneth cells(r)Histamine
(D)Acinar cells(s)Insulin
(t)Pancreatic enzymes

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