Easy Tutorial
For Competitive Exams

Upper Memory blocks are located where?

Conventional Memory
Extended Memory
Expanded memory
Reserved Memory
Additional Questions

The DC voltage on most circuit boards is:


Which of the following are SCSI issues?


A PC with a 486DX2 processor runs internally at SOMhz. What speed would its external logic be running?


If PREVENTION is coded as DWDSOOSJNO then how will CONTENTION will be coded?


A person goes to a bank and Quotes x Rs and y paise on a cheque. The cashier misreads it and gives y Rs and x paise. The man comes out and donates 5 paise to a begger. Now, the man has exactly double the amount he has quoted on the cheque.


The time showed by an analog clock at a moment is 11 am then 1234567890 hours later it will show the time as:


What is modified when changing the system start-up boot sequence?


You should never put floppy drives, hard drives, or even VCR tapes or cassette tapes on top of speakers (or near any other source of magnetism) because of:


Point out the error in the program?

struct emp
int ecode;
struct emp *e;


A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long and its external diameter is 8 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is 1 cm and iron weighs 8 g/cm3, then the weight of the pipe is:

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