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The interaction of biotic potential with environmental resources, as seen in populations showing the S-shaped growth curve, as: $\dfrac{dN}{dt} = \dfrac{rN(N-K)}{K}$ where N is the number of individuals in the population, t is the time, r is the biotic potential of the organism concerned and K stands for

Carrying capacity
Maximum population size
Particular habitat
Answer not known
Additional Questions

Consider the following statements :
Assertion [A] : Simorgh (phoenix) launched two satellites.
Reason [R]: It is a satellite carrier rocket
Now select your answer scheme given below:


Virtual G20 digital Economy Ministers Summit 2020 was organised by


Where is the largest solar power project of India located?


Justice. D. Murugesan Committee has been constituted in 2021 to look into the matter of


Read the following passage and answer the item that follow. Your answers to this item should be based on this passage only


Education management information system has been brought online wherein the database of every school, teacher and students in Government, Government aided and private schools are maintained on real time basis. Using this information several tasks are automated, simplified and reported everyday.
Which one of the following is best implied in the passage?


Choose the correct answer
Given the situation due to COVID-19, the net borrowing ceiling of the states were enhanced to _____ of GSDP in 2021.


Which article of the Constitution states that the state to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people?


Which of the following is/are true?
(i) Reformation may be identified with partial changes in the value system and consequential changes in the quality of relationships.
(ii) Transformative changes are characterized with radical changes in the total system


According to the Niti Aayog's health index (2021); _____, _____ and _____ emerged as the top three states in India.


Arrange the following territorial conquests of Alauddin Khilji in the correct chronological order
I. Ranthambor
II. Malwa
III. Chittor
IV. Gujarat

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