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TNPSC Content - English Physics Universe

34461.A meteor is
a rapidly moving star
a piece of matter which has entered the earths atmosphere from outer space
part of a constellation
a comet without a tail
34462.The colour of a star is an indication of its
distance from the sun
distance from the earth
34463.One astronomical Unit is the average distance between the
Earth and the Sun
Earth and the Moon
Jupiter and the Sun
Pluto and the Sun
34464.Day and night are the result of
earths rotation around itself
earths revolution around the sun
both the above reason
none of these
34465.Hubble is
An electric car
Nearest star
A space telescope
a nuclear powered aeroplane
34466.Which one of the following is correctly matched?
Quarks - A kind of crystal
Venus - Brightest planet
Nucleon - proton and Electron
Maser - A powerful source of heat
34467.Which is not a terrestrial planet having hard surface?
34468.When does a lunar eclipse occur?
on a new moon day
when the earth comes between the sun and the moon
when the sun comes between the earth and the moon
when the moon comes between the earth and the sun
34469.The planet near to the sun
34470.Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes given below:
List I List II
a) Mars 1) A planet with prominent rings around it
b) Mercury 2) Planet farthest from the sun
c) Neptune 3) Planet closest to the sun
d) Saturn 4) Red Planet
4 3 1 2
1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1
3 4 2 1
34471.The solar system belongs the galaxy called
Andromeda nebula
Milky way
Radio galaxy
Magellanic cloud
34472.A solar eclipse occurs when
the sun, the moon and the earth are not in the same line
the moon comes between the sun and the earth
the earth comes between the sun and the moon
the sun comes between the earth and the moon
34473.Small bodies from interplanetary space when enter into our atmosphere become luminous. These are called
Neutron stars
34474.Which is the correct order of planet from sun
Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Mars
Venus, Uranus,Mars, Jupiter
Venus, Mars,Jupiter,Uranus
34475.Halleys comet moves in __________ path in its orbit around the earth
a circular
a parabolic
an elliptical
an eccentric
34476.Lunar eclipse occur
on a full-moon day
on a new -moon day
seven days after the new-moon day
none of these
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