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Science QA Error Spotting Test 3

35777.Solve as per the instructions given above
If a man diligently seeks to come into the contact
with the best that has been thought and said in this world
he will become simple and unselfish.
No error.
35778.Solve as per the instructions given above
You must
remember me
to post this letter.
No error.
35779.Solve as per the instructions given above
I shall certainly
write you
when I shall reach NewDelhi.
No error.
35780.Solve as per the instructions given above
On the busy Ring Road
we witnessed a collusion
between a truck and an auto.
No error.
35781.Solve as per the instructions given above
Mr.Praful Patel
is not attending his office
for the last one month.
No error.
35782.Solve as per the instructions given above
He couldnt but help
shedding tears at the plight of the villagers
rendered homeless by a devastating cyclone.
No error.
35783.Solve as per the instructions given above
He will certainly help you
if you will ask him
in a pleasant manner.
No error.
35784.Solve as per the instructions given above
We will pack not only
the material properly
but will also deliver it
to your valued customers.
35785.Solve as per the instructions given above
The brand propositon now therefore had to be that Keokarpin Antiseptic Cream is more effective
because it penetrates deepdown (beinglight and non-sticky) and works from within
(because of its ayurvedic ingredients) to keep skin blemish, free and helps cope with cuts nicks, burns and nappy rash.
No error
35786.Solve as per the instructions given above
Will you please buy
some jaggery for me
if you go to the market?
No error.
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