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Verbal Sentence Improvement Page: 4
36005.Why the dinosaurs died out is not known.
it is not known
the reason is not known
that is not known
No improvement
36006.His father won t be able to leave for Varnasi until they have arrived.
until they arrive
until they will have arrived
until they will arrive
No improvement
36007.I will not go to school, if it shall rain tomorrow.
it would rain tomorrow
it will rain tomorrow
it rains tomorrow
No improvement
36008.I would have waited for you at the station if I knew that you would come.
had known
was knowing
have known
No improvement
36009.All, but her, had made an attempt.
All, but she,
All, but herself,
All, but her,
No improvement
36010.When the examinations were over Anil and me went to our native town.
me and Anil
Anil and I
I and Anil
No improvement
36011.Our office clock is not so correct as it should be it is usually five minutes fast.
No improvement
36012.The dissidents hold a great problem in every political party.
No improvement
36013.The cloud of misfortunes appears to have blown out.
No improvement
36014.In India today many of our intellectuals still talk in terms of the French Revolution and the Rights of Man, not appreciating that much has happened since then.
much has been happening
much had happened
much might happen
No improvement
36015.My friend was in hospital for a week after an accident.
No improvement
36016.Young men and women should get habituated to reading and writing about current affairs.
No improvement
36017.The poor villagers have waited in the bitter cold for more than 4 hours now.
have been waiting
had waited
has been waiting
No improvement
36018.The old man felled some trees in the garden with hardly no effort at all.
hard effort
hardly any effort
a hardly any effort
No improvement
36019.I want you to clearly understand that excuses won t do
you clearly to understand
you to understand clearly
to clearly understand you
No improvement
36020.Although India is still by far a poor country, it can become rich if its natural and human resources are fully utilised.
few and far between
by and large
by and by
No improvement
36021.The reason why he wrote the letter was because he could not contact him over the phone.
why he wrote the letter was since
for which he wrote the letter because
why he wrote the letter was that
No improvement
36022.As he is past his teens now, he can look for himself.
No improvement
36023.If you are not clear about the meaning of a word, it is wise to look to a dictionary.
look for
look at
look up
No improvement
36024.Most donors would seriously protest any effort to extrapolate from such limited data.
protest against
protest at
protest to
No improvement
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