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Question 7 Find the $31^{st}$ term of an A.P. whose $11^{th}$ term is 38 and the $16^{th}$ term is 73

Given that,

$11^{th}$ term, $a_{11}$ = 38

and $16^{th}$ term, $a_{16}$ = 73

We know that,

$a_n$ = a+(n−1)d

$a_{11}$ = a+(11−1)d

38 = a+10d ………………………………. (i)

In the same way,

$a_{16}$ = a +(16−1)d

73 = a+15d ………………………………………… (ii)

On subtracting equation (i) from (ii), we get

35 = 5d

d = 7

From equation (i), we can write,

38 = a+10×(7)

38 − 70 = a

a = −32

$a_{31}$ = a +(31−1) d

= − 32 + 30 (7)

= − 32 + 210

= 178

Hence, $31^{st}$ term is 178

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