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Aptitude Volume and Surface Area Theory



Volume V = length × breadth × height

Surfacearea = 2 (lw + wh + hl)


Volume V = $S^3$

Surfacearea = $6a^2 $

Diagonal = $\sqrt{3}$a


Volume V = $\dfrac{1}{3}Bh$   or   $V=\dfrac{1}{3}\pi r^{2}h$

Curved surface area = $πrl$

Total Surface area = $πrl + πr^2$   or   $πr (l+r)$


Volume V = $πr^{2}h$

Curved surface area = 2πrh

Total Surface area = $2πrh+2πr^2$   or   2πr(r + h)


Volume V = $\dfrac{4}{3} \pi r^{3}$

Surface area = $4π r^2$

Hemi Sphere

Volume V = $\dfrac{2}{3} \pi r^{3} $

Surface area = $2 π r^2$

Total Surface area = $3 π r^2$


Volume is the amount of space inside a three-dimensional (length, width and height.) object, or its capacity. measured in cubic units.

Surface Area

Total area of the surface of a 3D object, measured in square units.

Difference between Volume & Surfce Area with example

Surface area is the area of the thin sheet of aluminum required to make a soda can.
Volume is the amount of soda in the can.


A cuboid is a three-dimensional shape with a length, width, and a height.

Volume of a Cuboid


  • Volume of a Cuboid= length × breadth × height

  • Example

    Find the volume of a cuboid of length 20 cm, breadth 15 cm and height 10 cm.


    length - 20 cm

    breadth - 15 cm

    height - 10 cm

    Now calculating Volume of Cuboid

    Volume of cuboid = length × breadth × height

    Now applying this values to formula

    Volume = 20cm x 15 cm x 10 cm.

    = 3000 $cm^3$


    44193.Calculate the volume of a cuboid which has sides 4cm, 6cm and 10cm
    220 $cm^3$
    340 $cm^3$
    180 $cm^3$
    240 $cm^3$

    Volume of a Cuboid= length × breadth × height

    = $4 \times 6 \times 10$

    = 240 $cm^3$

    Surface area of a Cuboid


  • Surface area of a Cuboid = 2 (lw + wh + hl)

    Diagonal = $\sqrt{l^{2}+ w^{2} + h^{2}}$

  • The Surface area of a cuboid is the sum of the areas of its 6 faces.

    (i.e) Surface Area of a Cuboid = 2lw + 2wh +2 hl = 2 (lw + wh + hl)


    Find the total surface area and diagonal length of a cuboid with dimensions 8 cm by 6 cm by 5 cm


    l = 8 cm

    w = 6 cm

    h = 5 cm

    First calculating Surface Area

    Surfacearea of a Cuboid = 2 (lw + wh + hl)

    = 2 [$(8 \times 6) + (6 \times 5) + (5 \times 8)$]

    = 2 (48 + 30 + 40)

    = 2(118)

    = 236 $cm^2$

    Next Calculating diagonal length

    Diagonal = $\sqrt{l^{2}+ w^{2} + h^{2}}$

    = $\sqrt{8^{2}+ 6^{2} + 5^{2}}$

    = $\sqrt{64 + 36 + 25}$

    = $\sqrt{125}$

    = $\sqrt{125}$

    = $\sqrt{5^3}$

    = $\sqrt{5^2 \times 5^1}$

    = 5 $\sqrt{5}cm$


    44199.Find the surface area of a 10cm*4cm*3cm brick.
    154 cm square
    156 cm square
    160 cm square
    164 cm square

    Surface area of a cuboid = 2(lb+bh+hl) cm square

    Surface area of a brick = 2(10*4+4*3+3*10) cm square

    = 2(82) cm square = 164 cm square


    A cube has Six sides (faces). Each face is a square of side length 'a'. which are all the same size.

    Volume of a Cube


  • Volume of a Cube = $S^3$

  • So, the formalu of volume is = length × breadth × height

    = S x S x S

    Volume = $S^3$


    The length of a cubic shape box is 15 cm. What is the volume of the box?

    The length of cubic box = 15 cm

    Now calculating Volume of Cube

    Volume of Cube = $S^3$

    = 15 x 15 x 15

    = 3375 $cm^3$


    44194.The side of a cube is 8cm. What is the volume of the cube?

    Volume of a Cube = $a^3$

    =$ 8 \times 8 \times 8$

    = 512 $cm^3$

    Surface Area of a Cube


  • Surfacearea of a Cube = $6a^2 $

    DiagonalofaCube = $\sqrt{3}$a

  • The area of a square is $ a^2 $.

    The total surface area is the sum of the area of each surface.

    ∴ Surface Area = $ a^2 + a^2 + a^2 + a^2 + a^2 + a^2 = 6a^2 $

    The total surface area is the sum of the area of each surface.

    The main diagonal of any cube is multiplying the length of one side by the square root of 3.


    Find the total surface area and diagonal of a box whose edges are all 5.5 cm long.


    Edge (face) = 4.5 cm

    First , calculating Surface area

    Now calculating Surface area of Cube

    Surface area of Cube = $6a^2 $

    = $6(5.5)^2 $

    = 6 $\times$ 30.25

    = 181.5 $cm^2$

    Now calculating the diagonal of the cube

    DiagonalofaCube = $\sqrt{3}$a

    = $\sqrt{3}\times 5.5$

    = 1.732 $\times 5.5$

    = 9.526 cm


    44200.The length of a cube is 8.7 cm, find the surface area of a cube ?
    302.76 $cm^2$
    658.50 $cm^2$
    454.14 $cm^2$
    378.45 $cm^2$

    Surfacearea of a Cube = $6a^2$

    = $6 \times (8.7)^2$

    =454.14 $cm^2$


    A solid (3-dimensional) object with a circular flat base joined to a curved side that ends in an apex point.

    Volume of a Cone


  • Volume of a Cone = V=$\dfrac{1}{3}Bh$   or   $V=\dfrac{1}{3}\pi r^{2}h$

  • Where B= $\pi r^2$

    The volume V of a cone with radius r is one-third the area of the base B times the height h

    where π is a number that is approximately equals to 3.14 or $\dfrac{22}{7}$


    Calculate the volume of a cone if the height is 12 cm and the radius is 7 cm.


    Height of the cone = 12 cm

    Radius of the cone = 7 cm.

    V = $\dfrac{1}{3} \pi r^{2}h$

    V = $\dfrac{1}{3} \times \dfrac{22}{7} \times 7^{2} \times 12$

    V = 616$ cm^{3}$


    44195.The height and the slant height of a cone are 21 cm and 28 cm
    respectively. Find the volume of the cone.
    7546 $cm^3$

    $l^2 = r^2 + h^2$

    r = $\sqrt{l^{2}- h^{2}} = \sqrt{28^{2}- 21^{2}}$


    volume of the cone = $\frac{1}{3} \pi r^2 h = \dfrac{1}{3} \times 3.142 \times 7 \sqrt{7} \times 7 \sqrt{7} \times 21$

    =7546 $cm^3$

    Surface Area of the Cone


  • Curved surface area of the cone = $πrl$

    Total Surface area of a Cone = $πrl + πr^2$   or   $πr (l+r)$

  • slant height l = $\sqrt{h^{2}+r^{2}}$

    The Curved surface area of a Cone is the surface area of the outside of the cone

    The Total surface area of a cone = The surface area of the outside of the cone + The surface area of the circle

    r - is the radius, h - is the height , l - is the slant height


    The diameter of a cone is 16 cm and its height is 6 cm. Find the Curved surface area and Total surface area of cone.


    d = 16 => r = d/2 = 16/2 = 8cm

    r= 8 cm

    h = 6 cm

    l = $\sqrt{h^{2}+r^{2}}$ = $\sqrt{6^{2} + 8^{2}}$ = $\sqrt{36+64}$ = $\sqrt{100}$ = 10 cm

    l = 10 cm

    First calculating Curved surface area of the cone

    Curved surface area of the cone = $πrl$

    = $\dfrac{22}{7} \times 8 \times 10$

    = 3.142 $\times 8 \times 10$

    = 251.36 $cm^2$

    Now calculating Total Surface area of a cone

    Total Surface area of a Cone = $πrl + πr^2$

    = 251.36 + $\dfrac{22}{7} \times 8^2$

    = 251.36 + (3.142 $\times $ 64)

    = 251.36 + 201.08

    = 452.44 $cm^2$


    44201.Find the total surface area of a right cone if the radius is 6 inches and the slant height is 10 inches.
    122.58 $inches^2$
    301.59 $inches^2$
    532.45 $inches^2$
    201.75 $inches^2$

    Total Surface area of a Cone = $πr (l+r)$

    = $3.142 \times 6 (10+6)$

    = 301.59 $inches^2$


    A cylinder is a closed solid that has two parallel (usually circular) bases connected by a curved surface.

    Volume of a Cylinder


  • volume of a cylinder = $πr^{2}h$

  • where, r: Radius of a cylinder , h: Height of a cylinder and π is equal to 22/7 or 3.14


    Find the Volume of a cylinder whose height is 28 cm and radius 6 cm


    Height of the cylinder = 28 cm

    Radius of the cylinder = 6 cm

    Now calculating Volume of cylinder

    volume of a cylinder = $πr^{2}h$

    = $ \dfrac{22}{7} \times 6^{2} \times 28$

    = 3165.12 $cm^3$


    44196.Calculate the volume of a cylinder of height 12cm and radius 6cm.
    1876.4 $cm^3$
    2586.8 $cm^3$
    1357.2 $cm^3$
    2048.3 $cm^3$

    volume of a cylinder = $πr^2h$

    = $3.142 \times 6 \times6 \times 12$

    = 1357.2 $cm^3$

    Surface Area of a Cylinder


  • curved surface area of a cylinder = 2πrh

    Total surface area of a cylinder = $2πrh+2πr^2$   or   2πr(r + h)

  • The curved surface area is defined as the area of only curved surface, leaving the circular top and base

    The Total surface area of the curved surface as well as the bases.

    The Total surface area = curved surface area + (2 × area of circle)

    The area of a circle is $πr^2$, so the combined area of the two disks is twice that, or $2πr^2$.


    The diameter of the base of a cylinder is 10 cm and the height is 8 cm. Find the surface area of the solid cylinder


    Diameter (base) = 10 cm

    Radius = Diameter /2 = 10/2 = 5 cm

    r = 5m

    First calculate the curved surface area

    curved surface area of a cylinder = 2πrh

    = $2 \times \dfrac{22}{7} \times 5 \times 8$

    =251.36 $cm^2$

    now find the total surface area of a cylinder

    Total surface area of a cylinder = $2πrh+2πr^2 $

    = 251.36 + 2 $\times 3.142 \times 5^2$

    = 408.41 $cm^2$


    44202.Find the surface area of the solid cylinder . The diameter of the base of a cylinder is 30 cm and the height is 17 cm.
    3016.32 $cm^2$
    2875.56 $cm^2$
    3153.56 $cm^2$
    4795.78 $cm^2$

    Total surface area of a cylinder = $2 \pi r(r+h)$

    = $2 \times 3.142 \times 15 \times (15+17)$

    = 3016.32 $cm^2$


    A 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball. Every point on the surface is the same distance from the centre.

    Volume of a Sphere


  • volume of a sphere V = $\dfrac{4}{3} \pi r^{3}$

  • Where, r: Radius of a Sphere

    The volume V of a sphere is four-thirds times pi times the radius cubed.


    Calculate the volume of sphere with radius 4 cm.


    Radius of the sphere = 4 cm

    Now calculating Volume of sphere

    volume of a sphere V = $\dfrac{4}{3} \pi r^{3}$

    = $\dfrac{4}{3} \times \dfrac{22}{7} \times 4 \times 4 \times 4$

    = 268.19 $cm^3$


    44197.Find the volume of a sphere of radius 11.2 cm.
    5786.78 $cm^3$
    5887.32 $cm^3$
    4874.36 $cm^3$
    6124.24 $cm^3$

    Required volume =$\dfrac{4}{3}πr^3$

    = $\dfrac{4}{3} \times \dfrac{22}{7} \times 11.2 \times 11.2 \times 11.2$

    = 5887.32 $cm^3$

    Surface Area of a Sphere


  • Surface area of a sphere = $4π r^2$

  • Where r is the radius of the sphere.

    The surface area of a sphere is exactly four times the area of a circle with the same radius.

    The area of a circle = $πr^2 $, and the surface area of a sphere = $4πr^2$


    Find the surface area of a sphere of radius 25cm.


    r = 25 cm

    Surface area of a sphere = $4π r^2$

    π = 3.142

    = $4 \times 3.142 \times 25 \times 25$

    = 7855 $cm^2$


    44203.Find the surface area of a sphere of radius 7 cm
    462 $cm^2$
    487 $cm^2$
    587 $cm^2$
    616 $cm^2$

    The surface area of a sphere of radius 7 cm would be

    $4πr^2$ = 4 ×22/7× 7 × 7 $cm^2$ = 616 $cm^2$


    A hemisphere is half a sphere, with one flat circular face and one bowl-shaped face.

    Volume of a Hemisphere


  • Volume of a sphere V = $\dfrac{2}{3} \pi r^{3} $

  • The volume of a hemisphere is equal to two thrids of the cube of the radius by pi.

    Where, r: Radius of a Sphere


    Find the volume of the hemisphere, whose radius is 10 cm.


    Radius of the sphere = 10 cm

    Now calculating Volume of sphere

    volume of a hemisphere V = $\dfrac{2}{3} \pi r^{3}$

    =$\dfrac{2}{3} \times \dfrac{22}{7} \times 10^{3}$

    = 23 x 3.14 x 1000

    = 23 x 3140

    = 2093.3 $cm^3$


    44198.A hemispherical bowl has a radius of 3.5 cm. What would be the
    volume of water it would contain?
    89.8 $ cm^3$
    78.3 $ cm^3$
    98.4 $ cm^3$
    85.1 $ cm^3$

    The volume of water the bowl can contain
    = $\dfrac{2}{3} \pi r^3$
    = $\dfrac{2}{3} \times \dfrac{22}{7} \times 3.5 \times 3.5 \times 3.5$
    = 89.8 $ cm^3$

    Surface Area of Hemisphere


  • Curved surface area of Hemisphere = $2 π r^2$

    Total surface area of Hemisphere = $3 π r^2$

  • The hemisphere is to include the base then the surface area is 2 π $r^2$ + π $r^2$ = 3 π $r^2$


    Find the curved surface area and total surface area of a hemisphere having the radius of 7 cm?


    r = 7 cm

    First calculate the curved surface area

    Curved surface area of Hemisphere = $2 π r^2$

    = 2 $\times 3.142 \times 7 \times 7

    = 308 cm^2$

    Now calculate the total surface area

    Total surface area of Hemisphere = $3 π r^2$

    = 3 $\times 3.142 \times 7 \times 7$

    = 462 $cm^2$

    44204.Find the curved surface area of a hemisphere of radius 21 cm.
    3457 $cm^2$
    1789 $cm^2$
    2772 $cm^2$
    1567 $cm^2$

    The curved surface area of a hemisphere of radius 21 cm would be

    = $2πr^2 = 2 ×22/7× 21 × 21 cm^2 = 2772 cm^2$

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