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What is the largest number that will divide 90207, 232585 and 127986 without leaving a remainder?

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We have an equal arms two pan balance and need to weigh objects with integral weights in the range 1 to 40 kilo grams. We have a set of standard weights and can place the weights in any pan. . [i.e] some weights can be in a pan with objects and some weights can be in the other pan. The minimum number of standard weights required is:


In particular language if A=0, B=1, C=2,........ , Y=24, Z=25 then what is the value of ONE+ONE (in the form of alphabets only)


Find the number of perfect squares in the given series 2013, 2020, 2027,................, 2300 (Hint 44^2=1936)


What is in the 200th position of 1234 12344 123444 1234444....?


2345 23455 234555 234555........... what was last 2 numbers at 200th digit?


There are equal number of boys and girls in a class. If 12 girls entered out, twice the boys as girls remain. What was the total number of students in a class?


a bb ccc dddd eeeee .........What is the 120th letter?


There are 120 male and 100 female in a society. Out of 25% male and 20% female are rural. 20% of male and 25% of female rural people passed in the exam. What % of rural students have passed the exam?


1/7 th of the tank contains fuel. If 22 litres of fuel is poured into the tank the indicator rests at 1/5th mark. What is the quantity of the tank?


What is the probability of getting sum 3 or 4 when 2 dice are rolled

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