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What was the difference between the average exports of the three Companies in 1993 and the average exports in 1998?

Rs. 15.33 crores
Rs. 18.67 crores
Rs. 20 crores
Rs. 22.17 crores
Additional Questions

In how many of the given years, were the exports from Company Z more than the average annual exports over the given years?


If the imports in 1998 was Rs. 250 crores and the total exports in the years 1998 and 1999 together was Rs. 500 crores, then the imports in 1999 was ?


The imports were minimum proportionate to the exports of the company in the year ?


What was the percentage increase in imports from 1997 to 1998 ?


If the imports of the company in 1996 was Rs. 272 crores, the exports from the company in 1996 was ?


In how many of the given years were the exports more than the imports ?


For which of the following pairs of years the total exports from the three Companies together are equal?


Average annual exports during the given period for Company Y is approximately what percent of the average annual exports for Company Z?


In which year was the difference between the exports from Companies X and Y the minimum?


What was the difference between the average exports of the three Companies in 1993 and the average exports in 1998?

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