Question: How is J related to P ?
M is brother of P and T is sister of P.
Ps mother is married to Js husband who has one son and two daughters.
From II, we know that Ps mother is married to Js husband, which means that J is Ps mother.
Question: How is J related to P ?
M is brother of P and T is sister of P.
Ps mother is married to Js husband who has one son and two daughters.
Question: How is X related to Y ? |
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Question: What will be the total weight of 10 poles, each of the same weight ? |
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Question: How many children does M have ? |
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Question: How much was the total sale of the company ? |
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Question: The last Sunday of March, 2006 fell on which date ? |
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Question: How many children are there between P and Q in a row of children ? |
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Question: How is T related to K? |
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Question: How is J related to P ? |
Answer |