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GMAT Verbal Sentence Correction Page: 3
47170. If the engineering feats of that early decade remains impressive ` boring a mile-long tunnel through a solid mountain, and turning the eastward flow of two rivers westward ` the arduous conditions in which the engineers worked are no less remarkable.
If the engineering feats of that early decade remains impressive ` boring
If the engineering feats of that early decade remains impressive ` such as the boring of
Although the engineering feats of that early decade remains impressive ` boring
If the feats of engineering in that early decade remains impressive ` boring
If the engineering feats of that early decade remain impressive `boring
47171.The temperature dropped suddenly last night, which will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.
which will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.
which will mean that the frost will kill the shoots emerging from the soil.
and this will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.
and the resulting frost will kill the shoots that are emerging from the soil.
and as a result, the shoots will be killed by the frost, emerging from the soil.
47172.Denim jeans were originally worn not so much as a fashion statement as for their being practical work clothes.
Denim jeans were originally worn not so much as a fashion statement as for their being practical work clothes.
Denim jeans were originally worn not so much as a fashion statement but for their being practical work clothes.
Denim jeans were originally worn not so much as a fashion statement but for being practical work clothes
Denim jeans were originally worn not as a fashion statement as for them being practical work clothes.
Denim jeans were originally worn not as a fashion statement but as for them being practical work clothes.
47173.In the fine print at the end of the document lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that result from civil unrest.
lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that
lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses which
lies the clause that make us liable for any expenses that
lie the clauses that makes us liable for any expenses which
lie the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that
47174.The administration discussed whether the number of students studying European languages was likely to decline when the senior lecturer retired.
whether the number of students studying European languages was likely
whether the number of students studying European languages were likely
if the students studying European languages were likely
if the number of European language students were likely
whether the number of students studying European languages was liable
47175.Stress-induced amnesia is a rare phenomenon; it strikes the patient apparently without warning and the memory loss can be as complete as that induced by physical trauma.
as complete as that induced by physical trauma
as complete as is induced by physical trauma`s
as least as complete as physical trauma induces
at least as complete as physical trauma
just as complete as those induced by physical trauma
47176.Unlike traditional bullet-proof vests, which can prevent serious injury, but which cannot prevent the wearer being knocked over by the impact, new vest designs are being developed in the United States where bullets bounce off.
new vest designs are being developed in the United States where bullets bounce off
new vest designs, where bullets bounce off, are being developed in the United States
the United States is developing new vests, designed to make bullets bounce off
new vests, designed to make bullets bounce off, are being developed in the United States
new vests, where bullets bounce off, are being developed in the United States
47177.If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden, he might get a better display of flowers.
If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden
If the gardener sowed the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden
If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the garden
If the gardener were to sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the garden
If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse instead of the garden
47178.The National Library has recently acquired a manuscript by Jenkins that should provide answers to the much-disputed question of the extent to which this author`s work had been altered by her editors in the years before she died.
the extent to which this author`s work had been altered by her editors in the years before she died
the extent this author`s editors altered her work in the years before she died
how much the work of this author had been altered in the years before her death by her editors
the extent her editors altered this author`s work in the years before her death
the extent to which this author`s work was altered by her editors in the years before she died
47179.Pollution and degradation of the environment is, according to the commission s report, a matter of universal concern.
is, according to the commissions report, a matter of universal concern.
is, according to the report by the commission, a matter of universal concern.
is, according to the report of the commission, matters of universal concern.
are, according to the commissions report, universally a matter of concern.
are, according to the commissions report, a matter of universal concern.
47180.On Discovery channel last night they showed an informative program about new innovations in medical imaging, which you would have found interesting.
they showed an informative program about new innovations in medical imaging, which you would have found interesting.
they showed an informative program about innovations in medical imaging, which you would have found interesting.
they showed an informative program about innovations in medical imaging, that you would have found interesting.
there was an informative program about new innovations in medical imaging, that you would have found interesting.
there was an informative program about innovations in medical imaging, a program you would have found interesting.
47181.After working for two hours, the essay started to take shape, and he began to hope that he might finish before the deadline.
After working for two hours, the essay started to take shape, and he began to hope
When the essay started to take shape after he had worked on it for two hours, he began to hope
When the essay started to take shape after he had worked on it for two hours, he begun to hope
When the essay started to take shape after working on it for two hours, he began to hope
After working for two hours, the students essay started to take shape, and he began to hope
47182.In archeological terms the university was a latecomer to the town, which was already centuries old by the time we first hear of the establishment of a community of scholars and teachers in the late 12th Century.
which was already centuries old by the time we first hear of the establishment of
already centuries old by the time we first hear of its establishment of
which was centuries old already when we first hear of the establishment of
that was already centuries old by the time we first are hearing of the establishing of
that was already centuries old by the time we first hear that they had established
47183.The young man was surprised to find that his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for the protagonist in a short story written by a former girlfriend.
that his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for the protagonist in
his experience as a tutor having been used as the protagonist in
his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for the protagonists in
his experience as a tutor being used as the basis for the protagonist of
that his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for events in the life of the protagonist in
47184.In the engineering sector at the moment there are no jobs for those without experience, which makes it difficult for we recent graduates to get started on our careers.
at the moment there are no jobs for those without experience, which makes it difficult for we
at the moment there are no jobs for those without experience, which makes it difficult for us
there are no jobs at the moment for those without experience, a fact that makes it difficult for us
there are no jobs at the moment for those without experience, which makes it difficult for us
there are no jobs at the moment for those without experience, a fact which makes it difficult for we
47185.After the Civil War, contemporaries of Harriet Tubman s maintained that she has all of the qualities of a great leader: coolness in the face of danger, an excellent sense of strategy, and an ability to plan in minute detail.
Tubmans maintained that she has
Tubmans maintain that she had
Tubmans have maintained that she had
Tubman maintained that she had
Tubman had maintained that she has
In choice D, the best answer, the phrase contemporaries of Harriet Tubman presents a complete possessive without adding an apostrophe (e.g., Tubman s). Choices A, B, and C use a redundant possessive: contemporaries of Harriet Tubman s. All choices other than D have errors in verb tense. Because the sentence describes essentially simultaneous actions completed in the past, the simple past tense forms maintained and had are required. Thus, the present tense forms has and maintain are incorrect in A, B, and E, as are . the present perfect have maintained in C and the past perfect had maintained in E.
47186.Teratomas are unusual forms of cancer because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone not normally found in the organ in which the tumor appears.
because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone
because they are composed of tissues like tooth and bone that are
because they are composed of tissues, like tooth and bone, tissues
in that their composition, tissues such as tooth and bone, is
in that they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone, tissues
Only E, the best choice, clearly states that teratomas consist of tissues such as tooth and bone, and that such tissues are not normally found in the organ with the teratoma. Clear statement of this fact requires the repetition of tissues to establish the appositive--tissues normally found.... Without such repetition, A and B imprecisely state that the tooth and bone, as opposed to the tissues, are not normally found in the affected organ. Choices B and C alter the meaning with the use of like , that is, they suggest that the tissues are not tooth and bone, but only like them. The confused syntax of D states that their composition, not the tissues, is found in the organ....
47187.Although the term "psychopath" is popularly applied to an especially brutal criminal, in psychology it is someone who is apparently incapable of feeling compassion or the pangs of conscience.
it is someone who is
it is a person
they are people who are
it refers to someone who is
it is in reference to people
In choices A and B, the pronoun it simultaneously refers forward to someone (or a person) and backward to the term "psychopath" As a result, the sentence asserts illogically that the term is actually a kind of person rather than a word referring to a kind of person. Choice C repeats this fault and adds an error in agreement: they (plural) does not agree in number with the term (singular). E omits a main verb, such as applied, that, in grammatical context here, is required after is. Also, the word people incorrectly shifts number from singular to plural. In choice D, the best answer, the verb refers is correctly used after it, and the alignment of pronouns and antecedents is both logical and grammatical.
47188.An analysis of sixteenth century probate inventories in the major English towns show that even some artisans and yeomen owned silver spoons, cups or salt cellars.
show that even some artisans and yeomen owned silver spoons, cups or
show that some artisans and yeomen even owned silver spoons, cups or
show that even some artisans and yeomen owned silver spoons, cups and
shows that some artisans and yeomen owned even silver spoons, cups and
shows that even some artisans and yeomen owned silver spoons, cups or
47189.Being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow for us.
Being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow for us.
Our being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow.
Being abandoned by our friends, we feel great sorrow.
Abandoned by our friends, sorrow is the result.
We feel great sorrow when our friends abandon us.
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