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Verbal Comprehension Page: 5

The enjoyment of physical possession of things would seem to be one of the prerogatives of wealth which has been little impaired. Presumably nothing has happened to keep the man who can afford them from enjoying his Rembrandt and his homegrown orchids. But enjoyment of things has always been associated with the third prerogative of wealth which is the distinct it confers. In a world where nearly everyone was poor, the distinction was very great. It was the natural consequence of rarity. In England it is widely agreed, the ducal families are not uniformly superior. There is a roughly normal incidence of intelligence and stupidity, good taste and bad taste, morality, immorality. But very few people are dukes and duchesses, although the later have become rather more frequent with modern easing of divorce laws. As a result, even though they may be intrinsically unexpectional they are regarded with some awe. So it has long have been with the rich. Were dukes numerous their position would deteriorate. As the rich have become more numerous, they have inevitably becomes a debased currency.

37811.The distinction conferred by wealth
was unfair to the poor
was unlikely to spread throughout the world
was very great when there were many rich people
was very great when there were few rich people
37812.The enjoyment of the physical possession of things
is one of the privileges of wealth which has not been changed
is one of the privileges of wealth which should be curtailed
has little to do with the prerogatives of wealth
is a prerogative of wealth which cannot be disputed
37813.Ducal families in England
are generally agreed to be fairly common
are generally agreed to be fairly superior
are superior because they are rich
are generally agreed not to be always better than others
37814.There are more duchesses now because
it is easier for dukes to divorce and remarry
dukes are more immoral than they used to be
there position has deteriorated
they are debased
37815.Among the ducal families
there is great deal of immortality
there is a fairly even spread of virtues and vices
there is a great deal of bad taste
there is either great intelligence or great stupidity

Nehru's was a many sided personality. He enjoyed reading and writing books as much as he enjoyed fighting political and social evils or residing tyranny. In him, the scientist and the humanist were held in perfect balance. While he kept looking at special problems from a scientific standpoint. He never forgot that we should nourish the total man. As a scientist, he refused to believe in a benevolent power interested in men's affairs. but, as a self proclaimed non-believer, he loved affirming his faith in life and the beauty of nature. Children he adored. Unlike Wordsworth, he did not see him trailing clouds of glory from the recent sojourn in heaven. He saw them as a blossoms of promise and renewal, the only hope for mankind.

37816.Nehru though that children
were tailing clouds of glory
held promise for a better future
were like flowers to be loved and admired
held no hope for mankind
37817.Nehru enjoyed
reading and writing books
fighting political and social evils
resisting tyranny
doing all the above and much more
37818.Which of the statements reflects Nehru point of view?
Humanism is more important than science
Science is supreme and humanism is subordinate to it
Science and Humanism are equally important
There is no ground between science and humanism
37819.In this passage, a benevolent power interested in mens affairs means
a supernatural power of god
beauty of nature
the spirit of science
the total man
37820.A many-side personality means
a complex personality
a secretive person
a person having varied interests
a capable person
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