Shortcut – Percentage
Percentage Calculation
%=Value to be compared/Value to which it has to be compared * 100
$V_{c}$ = Value to be compared
$V_{b} $= Value to which it has to be compared, base value.
What is the percentage of marks scored by Sai in final exam, if she has scored 1102 out of 1200?
Answer:$V_{c} = 1102$
$V_{b} = 1200$
Percentage = (1102/1200) x 100
= 91.83%
Out of 65000 population, men are 39000. What is the percentage of women?
Answer:Women = 65000 – 39000 = 26000
Percentage of women = (26000/65000) x 100
= (2/5) 100 = 40 %
Shortcut – Percentage
Percentage increase or decrease: Percentage change =$\dfrac{From - To}{From} \times 100$
From – the value from which the change is happening
To – the value to which the change has happened.
If From value is less than To value, it is % increase
If From value is more than To value, it is % decrease.
Sradha’s monthly salary is Rs. 40000. If an increment of Rs. 5000 is provided, what is the percentage increase in her salary?
Answer:From = 40000;
To = 45000.
Substituting the values in the above formula, we get
% increase = [(45000 – 40000)/40000] x 100
= (5000/40000)x 100
= 12.5 % increase
Shortcut – Percentage
Net change in percentage when two changes are made.
a = first percentage change
b = second percentage change
Salary of Sai was Rs. 20000. If the salary is decreased by 10 percent and then increased by 30 percent, what is the new salary of Sai?
Answer:a = -10
b = 30
Net change = -10 + 30 + [(-10)(30)/100]
= 20 – 3 = +17% (positive value = % increase)
New salary of Sai
= 20000 + (17/100)20000
= 23400
If the net change value is negative, it means percentage decrease.
Shortcut – Percentage
Final value after multiple percentage changes.
(a, b and c) are the percentage changes.
The formula can be expanded or reduce according to the number of changes
given in the question.
Substitute ‘+’ for percentage increase.
Substitute ‘-‘for percentage decrease.
Salary of Shradha is Rs. 30000. It is increased by 10%, then decreased by 20% and again increased by 30%. What is her final salary?
a = +10;
b = -20;
c = +30
Substitute the values in the above formula, we get
Final Value
= (11/10)(8/10)(13/10) x 30000
= 34320
Shortcut – Percentage
Net percentage change when (a %) increase and (a %) decrease.
Net percentage change =$\dfrac{a^{2}}{100}% $decrease.
Price of a watch was Rs. 1000. The price is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10%. What is the price of the watch now?
Answer:a = 10
Net change in percentage =$ 10^{2}/100 $= 1% decrease.
New price of watch = 1000 – (1/100)1000
= 1000 – 10
= 990
Price of a product increased by 20% and the sales was reduced by 20%. By what percentage the income has reduced?
Answer:a = 20%
Percentage reduction in income
=$ 20^{2}/100$
= 4%
Shortcut – Percentage
Steady percentage increase or decrease.
a – steady rate of percentage increase or decrease.
Substitute ‘+’ for percentage increase.
Substitute ‘-‘for percentage decrease.
n – Number of times the percentage change occurs.
The population of a city is 200000. The population increases by 10% every year. What will be the population of the city after 3 years?
Answer:a = + 10
Initial Value = 200000
Substitute the values in the above equation, we get
Final Value = $200000[1.1]^{3}$
Final Value = 266200
Population of the city after three years
= 266200