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Aptitude Problems on Trains Practice QA

1704.Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27 seconds and 17 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23 seconds. The ratio of their speeds is:
1 : 3
3 : 2
3 : 4
None of these

Let the speeds of the two trains be $ x $ m/sec and y m/sec respectively.

Then, length of the first train = 27$ x $ metres,

and length of the second train = 17$ y $ metres.

$\therefore \dfrac{27x + 17y}{x+ y} $= 23

$\Rightarrow$ 27$ x $ + 17$ y $ = 23$ x $ + 23$ y $

$\Rightarrow$ 4$ x $ = 6$ y $

$\Rightarrow \dfrac{x}{y} $=$ \dfrac{3}{2} $.
1709.A train moves past a post and a platform 264 m long in 8 seconds and 20 seconds respectively. What is the speed of the train?
79.2 km/hr
69 km/hr
74 km/hr
61 km/hr

Let x is the length of the train and v is the speed

Time taken to move the post = 8 s

=> x/v = 8

=> x = 8v --- (1)

Time taken to cross the platform 264 m long = 20 s

(x+264)/v = 20

=> x + 264 = 20v ---(2)

Substituting equation 1 in equation 2, we get

8v +264 = 20v

=> v = 264/12 = 22 m/s

= 22×36/10 km/hr = 79.2 km/hr

1711.A train 125 m long passes a man running at 5 km/hr in the same direction in which the train is going in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is:
45 km/hr
50 km/hr
54 km/hr
55 km/hr
Speed of the train relative to man =$ \left(\dfrac{125}{10} \right) $m/sec
   =$ \left(\dfrac{25}{2} \right) $m/sec.
   =$ \left(\dfrac{25}{2} \times\dfrac{18}{5} \right) $km/hr

   = 45 km/hr.

Let the speed of the train be $ x $ km/hr. Then, relative speed = $\left( x - 5\right)$ km/hr.

$\therefore x $ - 5 = 45     $\Rightarrow$     $ x $ = 50 km/hr.

1712.Two trains are moving in opposite directions 60 km/hr and 90 km/hr. Their lengths are 1.10 km and 0.9 km respectively. The time taken by the slower train to cross the faster train in seconds is:

Relative speed = (60+ 90) km/hr

   =$ \left(150 \times\dfrac{5}{18} \right) $m/sec
   =$ \left(\dfrac{125}{3} \right) $m/sec.

Distance covered = (1.10 + 0.9) km = 2 km = 2000 m.

Required time =$ \left(2000 \times\dfrac{3}{125} \right) $sec = 48 sec.
1714.A 300 metre long train crosses a platform in 39 seconds while it crosses a signal pole in 18 seconds. What is the length of the platform?
350 m
650 m
Data inadequate
Speed =$ \left(\dfrac{300}{18} \right) $m/sec =$ \dfrac{50}{3} $m/sec.

Let the length of the platform be $ x $ metres.

Then,$ \left(\dfrac{x + 300}{39} \right) $=$ \dfrac{50}{3} $

$\Rightarrow 3\left(x + 300\right)$ = 1950

$\Rightarrow x $ = 350 m.

1715.A train moves past a telegraph post and a bridge 264 m long in 8 seconds and 20 seconds respectively. What is the speed of the train
69.5 km/hr
70 km/hr
79 km/hr
79.2 km/hr

Let the length of the train be $ x $ metres and its speed by $ y $ m/sec.

Then,$ \dfrac{x}{y} $= 8     $\Rightarrow x = 8 y $
Now,$ \dfrac{x + 264}{20} $= $ y $

$\Rightarrow 8 y $ + 264 = 20$ y $

$\Rightarrow y $ = 22.

$\therefore Speed = 22 m/sec$ =$ \left(22 \times\dfrac{18}{5} \right) $km/hr = 79.2 km/hr.
1716.A 270 metres long train running at the speed of 120 kmph crosses another train running in opposite direction at the speed of 80 kmph in 9 seconds. What is the length of the other train?
230 m
240 m
260 m
320 m

Relative speed = (120 + 80) km/hr

   =$ \left(200 \times\dfrac{5}{18} \right) $m/sec
   =$ \left(\dfrac{500}{9} \right) $m/sec.

Let the length of the other train be $ x $ metres.

Then,$ \dfrac{x + 270}{9} $=$ \dfrac{500}{9} $

$\Rightarrow x $ + 270 = 500

$\Rightarrow x $ = 230.

1718.Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27 seconds and 17 seconds respectively . If they cross each other in 23 seconds. what is the ratio of their speeds?
Insufficient data
3 : 1
1 : 3
3 : 2

Let the speed of the trains be $x$ and $y$ respectively

length of train1 = 27$x$

length of train2 = 17$y$

Relative speed= $x+ y$

Time taken to cross each other = 23 s

=> $\left (27x + 17 y\right)$/$\left(x+y\right)$ = 23

=> $\left (27x + 17 y\right)$/ = 23$\left(x+y\right)$

=> $4x = 6y$

=> $x/y = 6/4 = 3/2$

1719.A train speeds past a pole in 15 seconds and a platform 100 m long in 25 seconds. Its length is:
50 m
150 m
200 m
Data inadequate

Let the length of the train be $ x $ metres and its speed by $ y $ m/sec.

Then,$ \dfrac{x}{y} $= 15 $\Rightarrow$ $ y $ =$ \dfrac{x}{15} $.
$\Rightarrow \dfrac{x + 100}{25} $=$ \dfrac{x}{15} $

$\Rightarrow 15( x $ + 100) = 25$ x $

$\Rightarrow 15 x $ + 1500 = 25$ x $

$\Rightarrow 1500 = 10 x $

$\Rightarrow x $ = 150 m.

1722.A 300 metre long train crosses a platform in 39 seconds while it crosses a post in 18 seconds. What is the length of the platform?
150 m
350 m
420 m
600 m

Length of the train = distance covered in crossing the post = speed × time = speed × 18

Speed of the train = 300/18 m/s = 50/3 m/s

Time taken to cross the platform = 39 s

$\left(300+x\right)$/(50/3) = 39 s where x is the length of the platform

300+x = (39 × 50) / 3 = 650 meter

x = 650-300 = 350 meter

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