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SSC CGL Tier1 English Language Phrases and Idioms Test 10

38021.Madhuri might scream blue murder, but I feel Deepali should get the promotion since she is better qualified for the job.
Someone has been murdered with some blue liquid
Someone is being murdered and has become blue
Suffer from persecution complex
Make a great deal of noise and object vehemently
38022.Having sold off his factory, he is now a gentleman at large.
Has no serious occupation
Is living comfortably
Is respected by everybody
Is held in high esteem
38023.The old father brought home the moral of unity by asking each of his sons to break the bundle of sticks
38024.To have an axe to grind
5.None of these
A private end to serve
To fail to arouse interest
To have no result
To work for both sides
38025.His plan was so complicated that it floored his listeners.
38026.There has been bad blood between the two communities even before shouting.
Impure blood
Ill feeling
Bloody fights
38027.The curious neighbours were disappointed as the young couple s quarrel was just a storm in a tea cup.
violent quarrel
fuss about a trifle
brittle situation
quarrel about tea cups
38028.In spite of the efforts of all peace loving people, world peace is still a far cry.
an impracticable idea
an abstract idea
out of reach
a long way off
38029.Mohan always keeps himself to himself
Is too busy
Is selfish
Is unsociable
Does not take sides
38030.While the ladies continued their small talk in the drawing room, I felt bored.
light conversation
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