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TNPSC G2 Previous Year Question Papers General Studies - 2017

35260.Projectile motion is a combination of horizontal motion with constant ______ and vertical motion with constant
Acceleration, velocity
Velocity, acceleration
Displacement, velocity
Velocity, displacement
35262.Nuclear force is
charge dependent
spin independent
both charge and spin independent
spin dependent but charge independent
35264.The area of a semi-circle of radius 7 c.m. is
7 cm2
777 cm2
77 cm 2
7777 cm2

Area of semi-circle =$\dfrac{\pi r^{2}}{2}=\dfrac{1}{2}\times\dfrac{22}{7}\times7\times7$


35266.The oxidation of SO32- to SO42- ion by oxygen
in this reaction which is Lewis acid and Lewis base?
SO32- is Lewis acid and oxygen is Lewis base
Oxygen is Lewis acid and SO32- is Lewis base
Both are Lewis acids
Both are Lewis bases
35268.Cyanide resistant respiration is found in
Plants only
Animals only
Both plants and animals
Plants and Microbes
35270.Male sex hormone testosterone is produced by
Leydig cells
Germinalepithelial cells
Spermatogonial cells
35272.Which one of the following is correctly matched?
I. Gregor Mendel- Neurospora
II. T.H. Morgan-Drosophila
III. C.B. Bridges- Garden pea
IV. J.H.Muller- Mice
35274.Tax is charged on some items which are manufactured in the country. This is collected by the Government of India. This Tax is
Direct Tax
Indirect Tax
Excise Duty
Service Tax
35276.The value of $\dfrac{x^{2}-2x}{x^{2}+2x}$ X $\dfrac{3x+6}{x-2} $
3x + 2
x - 2

Take x as common ,$\dfrac{x(x-2)\times3(x+2)}{x(x+2)\times(x-2)}=3$

35278.A boy is now twice as old as his sister, four years ago, he was thrice as old as her what are their ages now?
18, 9
14, 7
16, 8
12, 6
The Boy's age = A
The Sister's age = B
A boy is now twice as old as his sister A=2B
Four years ago, he was thrice as old as her
(A-4) = 3(B-4)
apply A = 2B
2B-4 = 3B-12
3B-2B = 12-4
A= 2B
Boy's age=16 years
Sister's age=8 years
35280.x3/2 : 9 = 16: $\sqrt{x}$. What is the value of x ?
$\pm$ 16
$\pm$ 3
$\pm$ 4
$\pm$ 12





35282.Total surface area of hollow hemisphere is equal to
2 $\pi$(R2 + r2) sq. units
2 $\pi$(R2 - r2) sq. units
$\pi$(3R2 + r2) sq. units
$\pi$(3R2 - r2) sq. units

Let R ans r be the outer and inner radii of the hemisphere.

Now,its curved surface area=outer surface area+inner surface area


$=2\pi (R^{2}+r^{2})sq.units$

$Total surface area=outer surface area+inner surface area+Area at the base$

$=2\pi R^{2}+2\pi r^{2}+\pi (R^{2}-r^{2})$

$=2\pi (R^{2}+r^{2})+\pi(R+r)(R-r)sq.units$


35284.The probability that a leap year will have 53 Fridays or 53 Saturdays is
There is 366 days In leap year
52 weeks * 7 days/week = 364 day
52 full weeks means -> 52 Friday
For remaining 2 days, one of the following pair is possible
(sun,Mon) (Mon,Tue) (Tue,Wed) (Wed,Thu) (Thu,Fri) (Fri,Sat) (Sat,Sun)
Out of 7 pair there is 2 pair in which 53rd Friday may come.
Probability of 53 Friday in a leap year = (Thu,Fri) (Fri,Sat) = 2/7
Out of 7 pair there is 2 pair in which 53rd Saturday may come.
Probability of 53 Saturday in a leap year = (Fri,Sat) (Sat,Sun) = 2/7



35286.Factorization of (x + y)2+9(x+y)+ 8 is
(x + y +1)(x + y +6)
35288.What is the difference between the sum of first n odd natural numbers and that of first n natural numbers?
$\dfrac{n}{2}$ +1

$sum of first `n' odd nos=n^{2}$

$sum of first `n' natural nos=\dfrac{n(n+1)}{2}$

$Difference =n^{2}-[\dfrac{n^{2}+n}{2}]^{2}$

$=\dfrac{2 n^{2}-n^{2}-n}{2}$



35290.Which of the following is arranged in correct ascending order?
25 of 8, 40% of 6, 30% of 9, 20% of 15
20% of 15, 25% of 8, 30% of 9, 40% of 6
30% of 9, 40% of 6, 25% of 8, 20% of 15
20% of 15, 30% of 9, 40% of 6, 25% of 8
From given options we have to find the answer for this type of questions.
25% of 8=$\dfrac{25}{100}\times 8=2.0$
40% of 6=$\dfrac{40}{100}\times 6=2.4$
30% of 9=$\dfrac{30}{100}\times 9=2.7$
20% of 15 =$\dfrac{20}{100}\times 15=3.0$
35292.Which of the following is larger in area?
A triangle with base 10 cm and height 8 cm
A triangle with sides 12 cm, 5 cm and 13 cm .
An equilateral triangle whose sides are 10 cm each
A right angled triangle whose sides containing the right angle are 3 cm and 4 cm


$ =\frac{1}{2}\times10\times8$

$=40c m^{2}$

$b.Right angled tiangle=13^{2}=5^{2}+12^{2}$

$ =\frac{1}{2}\times5\times12$

$ =30cm^{2}$

$c.Equilateral triangle=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}\times10\times10$

$ =25\sqrt{3}$

$ =25\times1.732$


$d.Right angled triangle= \frac{1}{2}\times3\times4$

$ =6ccm^{2}$

35294.The arithmetic mean of a group of 75 observations was calculated as 27. It was later found that one observation was wrongly read as 43 instead of the correct value 53. Obtain the correct arithmetic mean of the data.

Difference=53-43=10 should be increase

New average=27+$\dfrac{10}{75}$

= 27.13

35296.A sum of money triples itself at 8% per annum over certain time. The number of years is equal to

n=3 times


$ =\dfrac{(3-1)\times100}{8}$

$ =\dfrac{200}{8}$

$ =25 years$

35298.Match the following :
(a)Annie Besant1. Kesari
(b) Bipin Chandrapal2.Common weal
(c) Boopendra Nath Dutt3. The New Asia
(d) Tillak3. Yuganthar
3 4 1 2
2 1 4 3
4 3 1 2
2 3 4 1
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